Chiropractic, X-Ray, Rehabilitation, Massage, & Acupuncture
Gentle adjustments, massage with every treatment. We don't just offer one approach. Depending on your symptoms or condition, we might suggest rehab, massage or acupuncture in our office.
The only Chiropractic office in Steamboat with a full radiology suite and advanced radiology experience.
Dr. Sanford is a very practiced diagnostician with 25 years experience here in Steamboat.
We provide our patients the best care possible, as efficiently as possible.
Long-term and close ties with local Orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists and other practitioners should referral be required.
If needed, your X-rays from Sanford Chiropractic can be provided digitally to any specialists in town, including the hospital. Learn More.....
How Sanford Chiropractic is Different
A good diagnosis is really important and Dr. Sanford works through history and symptoms with the patient before he begins treatment. Symptoms might indicate an X-ray is a good start. As part of a complete diagnosis, Dr. Sanford might recommend adjustment, preventative exercises, massage or other options. He performs soft tissue massage before an adjustment to make it as gentle and effective as possible.
Sanford Chiropractic does not over treat patients. Chiropractors sometimes bring patients back too often, or ask them to commit to multiple treatments a week or month whether they need them or not. They often treat the symptoms without an adequate diagnosis or thoroughly exploring the cause.
We treat the condition itself, not just the symptom, for the time period that best suits the patient's needs.
Learn more about our Team.